Permanent Recruitment
A pool of talented employees is an asset for any organisation. Hence, it is imperative to choose the right candidate for the right job with a systematic recruitment process and well-crafted employer branding. While your HR department can focus on employee engagement and retention, companies with permanent recruitment expertise, like us can be best partners for engage the candidate skills and attitude with the job profile and company’s culture.
Permanent recruitment requires reliable candidates with an attitude and career goal that aligns with that of the organisation and associate with numerous factors apart from qualification, skill and experience.
We understand that permanent staff is hired for long-term goals and objectives enabling process continuity and consistency. Hence, we review the stability of the candidates and their career outlook before we propose their candidature to our clients for Permanent Recruitment.
To ensure productivity in an organisation, candidates going to be hired for permanent recruitment need to align with the culture of the organization. We ensure this alignment by conducting workshops with the clients to get a deeper understanding of the culture of our clients and then assessing the candidate with this background.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Recruitment is a tedious procedure that no organization can evade. From initial screening to multiple rounds of assessment and background verification, it involves a numerous step that adds to your workload.
Recruitment Process Outsourcing services is an option that many organisations want to consider. We offer comprehensive and flexible Recruitment Process Outsourcing services that not only covers recruitment but end-to-end HR Process Management

  • Cost reduction
  • Time-saving
  • Network to reach the maximum

We make sure that our clients count on our outsource recruitment service anytime from anywhere to get the best talent. We provide tailor made RPO packages to our client organisation to meet their talent needs, and business strategies.

Contract Manpower Staffing
Workplace dynamics and requirements have changed drastically and Businesses often need skilled workforce to deal with the ever changing industry demands. In many such cases, temporary staffing has proven a better solution. Organisations consider temporary staffing when they require additional manpower without long-term commitments.
We provide temporary staffing solutions in a hassle-free and smooth process. Our service suits the needs of organisations of varying sizes and their demand for manpower having the right skills and qualification. Since temporary staffing can be of varying durations, and we customize each solution delivering flexibility to the organizations depending on their needs of skillsets, duration and extent of scope.